About kennel
Welcome to our professional kennel Amberland!
Our kennel is located in a beautiful city Liepaja, Latvia. The city is situated on the shores of the Baltic Sea, 200 km from the Latvian capital, Riga. With our location and directly to the sea due to the kennel name - AMBERLAND (Amber country).
Owneris Maria Demchenko - canine, dog training instructor, with extensive experience.
From childhood in the family were Great Danes. Beautiful, majestic, always provoked admiration. When formed her own family, purchased a beautiful male brindle - OXAN BESSEN CS. He knew all the Baltic States! He was the first International Champion in the Baltic States, which experienced many victories and joys. OXAN BESSEN CS spent 10 happy years with him growing up our son. Lost dog, we have long thought about the new dog. But because the type of Great Danes in 2004, the year of change came, it was difficult to decide. However, we have held without a dog is only 2 weeks and appeared in our family Shar-Pei Brenda - TEFFIL’S TIPPELLA ZON. Appeared simply to fill the void, but Branda give us first litter, in our kennel.
Thoughts of the Great dane didn`t leave us. Looking for a long time available at the time the Scandinavian blood were not what I wanted. Some time later, when purchased a private house, there was a question of protection. Since I have worked with large dogs, a long time to think it was not necessary. Caucasian Shepherd Dog - the best protection for private homes. I contacted her friend Veronica Donichevoy from Novosibirsk. She is the owner of a very famous kennel .This is how we get second dog - SHAKIRA IZ SVETLOGO DOMA. Caucasian Shepherd AMBERLAND SHATO - doughter of Shakira - born and live in our kennel.
However, all this time I was interested and very admired quite a popular breed of Italian Cane Corso. I studied for a long time, looking for information, but decided a purchase at once. .Cane Corso, is very welcome and loved, appeared at our house 2 years ago (2007), and immediately won the affection of the whole family Ksjunja - RAISSA - brought from the Italian kennel DELLA PORTA DIPINTA. To date, it is the most titled Corso in the Baltics. Beautiful dog in all respects, patient and intelligent, assesses the situation instantly. This is a dog that you can trust!
But, no wonder they say that if you have got a Cane Corso - you will have it again,and it happened to me, our family has not remained indifferent to this unique, intelligent, graceful and plastic, like a panther, which has great potential for the breed, which his eyes fall in love with the first few seconds and this love is for life. Cane Corso, like no other breed, boundless devotion to his family. This, the dog that should live next to a man, she just need to look into the eyes, love and protect all that belongs to him - a beloved person. Today we have 9 dogs in the kennel this wonderful breed. We attach great importance to nature and health of farmed our dogs. Use only healthy and beautiful dogs, over the last year were imported several dogs, their two best Italian kennels that will make a great contribution to the breeding of this species in Latvia.
Our dogs undergo necessary tests and health checks, are walking 2-3 times a day for the Territory and the whole day walking in the yard, swim in the sea, lying in the sand. All the dogs, despite the diversity of species, non-aggressive and friendly to each other.
Все собаки, несмотря на разнообразие пород, дружны и неагрессивны между собой.
Our dogs eat and recommend