Riga november CACIB show 2023
First day of Riga INT dog show
Our Amberlnad dogs showed great results again!
Judge of Cane Corso Trine GUSTAVSEN (NO)
Amberland Yahond - Best Male, CACIB, BOO
Ow. Ramona Pavlikova
Amberland Yzida - Best Female, CAC, CACIB, BOB, shortlisted in TOP 7 in Group
New Baltic Champion
Ow. Olesja & Mantas Posiunas
Riga winner 2023
Judge: Alin-Lucian DUMITRESCU (RO)
Amberland Yahond - Riga Winner 2023, CACIB, BM2
Ow. Ramona Pavlikova
Amberland Yzida - Riga Winner 2023, CQCIB, BOS
Ow. Olesja & Mantas Posiunas